Saturday, February 22, 2014

One Monthly Project Completed

Well, here it is very close to the end of this rather short month and I can safely say I have finished one of my goals for this month.

Here are the last few scarves that I managed to complete.

Now all I have to do is put them up for sale. Kris keeps saying he wants to start an etsy (think I have spelled that incorrectly) shop for me, but I would rather have a larger stock of items to sell. Perhaps next month I will have a goal of making some fingerless gloves for sale, or some dish cloths.......

I am back working on my rug which is another goal for this month. Don't know how much I will get completed as I am going to be working many hours next week. Oh well, I will do what I can and manage to get as much done as possible. Just working on it again is meeting my goal for this month.

I still have the other goal to complete, but I hope to get it done tomorrow as it is a very simple sewing job and will only take an hour or so.

Everyone have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Etsy does have fees, so keep that in mind. Lin over at Uggabear has a nice sales setup with her blog ...)
