Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday Ramblings


Nothing much really happening today. As usual we took part in Mass via the television. The uptick in Covid cases in our province is a bit concerning, especially to Harvey as he has a heart condition. He wonders how many parishioners are vaccinated, and does not like being around too many other people. Until he feels safe we will probably continue with online Mass. 

I am not so concerned about Omicron (did I spell that correctly...) at this point in time as the Delta variant is still number one here in my province. The thing I am worried about is large gatherings where one or two people might not be vaccinated and are carriers being asymptomatic. I am thankful that our provincial government still has the mask mandates and social distancing (though there are a few that seem to think social distancing means going the wrong way down grocery aisles). I am hoping that those in the family that are not vaccinated stay away from the family get together. I will be taking some masks with us just in case.

The weather warmed up considerably today, but will be more like normal tomorrow when I head out shopping. Since it was so nice I did a short walk outside and a bit longer one inside. It takes me awhile now to work out the aches and pains of a morning. It was very nice to get some fresh air after days of being cooped up inside.

After my walk and Mass I started the chocolate chip cookies. I think if there is time tomorrow between shopping and regular household chores I will try and get a batch of shortbread cookies made. That should be enough baking for us.

Kurt gave me a text this morning saying some close friends of his are holidaying right now and have offered him the use of their truck to come home if the repairs are extensive on his vehicle. He has awesome friends!!! If he ends up taking them up on the usage, I will find some way to say thank you. Perhaps a knitted blanket or a quilt is in order.

Off to finish off the second mitt to the pair I have been working on the last couple of days. I hope to cast on the first of the next pair tonight as well.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Omicron is sweeping the UK. We may have to go into lockdown again, I hope so.
    Take care and stay safe.

  2. You spelled Omicron correctly. I always think we are a couple of weeks behind other areas of the country. Which should mean we'll see those numbers start to climb next week. I laughed at your comment about social distancing meaning going the opposite direction in a grocery aisle. I see that a lot these days - some people can't read arrow. Our Co-op store renovated this fall and increased the size of the aisles so it doesn't feel as close quarters and they've removed the arrows.

    I'm glad to hear that Kurt will make it home, one way or the other. My daughter and grandson will be here on Christmas Eve and head home on Boxing Day. Eli prefers his own bed to sleeping over at G'ma's.

    Have a good week!

  3. How nice of Kurt's friends to offer the use of their car. The Omicron situation here in London is dire at the moment. Not sure what is going to happen from one day to the next.

  4. It is upticking here also. SO nice that you can have Mass online and what a wonderful gesture that someone will loan a safe vehicle to your son.

  5. There was a piece on the news last week about how easy it is for people to 'forge' their vaccination certificates so who can say that those that are showing so-called 'proof' are actually, in fact, vaccinated. Staying home sounds like the safest thing to do.
