Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Thrifty Tuesday


It's been another pretty darn thrifty week here on the Phillips homestead. I have even managed to get out and walk for some fresh air and thrifty/frugal exercise. However today was a struggle to even get out to pick up the mail. It is snowing and blowing like crazy here and we have some not so lovely drifts building up at the end of our road. 

On to thrifty happenings.

I saved some more twist ties from various packages. I use them to close my bread bags after the bread has cooled down.

Found some lovely patterns for knitting and cross stitch online.

I am trying to figure out how to mend a quilt for Kris. It is one of his favs, and it seems like his washer and drier decided to eat it a bit. It is going to take awhile to fix.

Darned another pair of gloves.

Collecting a few coupons for this biweekly shopping trip. 

Working on using every little bit of food up. This sometimes means changing the menu a bit, but it is well worth it.

Baking bread and looking into making my own bagels at some point. I have a few recipes now just have to work up the courage to give it a go.

At the beginning of the pandemic and what was the Great Toilet Paper Shortage, I had made some reusable wipes for number 1. With the cost of things rising I may just make a few more from the scraps of flannel I have and start to use them. Just need to find a container to put the used ones in until I wash them. We go through lots of tp here for some reason.

I am planning an at home date night with Hubby. Think it is time for a movie and popcorn, or nachos. We will do this Friday and Sunday since the movie we want to watch is a long one. Much less expensive, and safer than going out on the town.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. I love your date night idea Jackie! I'm ashamed to say I haven't baked any bread this winter. I'm gonna try to bake some this weekend.

    I just know that we're gonna see more grocery price increases due to the rising fuel costs. I'm undecided about adding to my stockpile. Stay safe & warm!

  2. That's a great list of thrifty things to do. I always save all my twist ties too. I find many handy ways to use them.
    That's wonderful you are planning an at home date night!

  3. I recall, many years ago, there was a bagel shop on 13th Ave here in Regina, where one could actually watch the process. I remember taking my kids, but to be honest, I don't remember what they did exactly. Good luck!

    It seems like the wind has finally calmed down and now it is cold again. C'mon March, bring on the spring!

  4. Bagels made the old-fashioned way take time. I remember making them before I had my first baby. That was over 40 years ago. but boy were they good. Keep up the thrifty ways, you inspire me.
