Sunday, February 20, 2022

Sunday Ramblings


We are in the midst of more snow falling. Seems like winter just may be sticking around for a bit longer. Not that I enjoy that, but what will be, will be. Guess I will get a bit longer to work on various projects inside. Might as well also plan a bit of my basket and pots... May even plan a few for Kris and his very large deck.

Speaking of Kris, he is slowly but surely finishing moving what he can do himself. Today he moved a couple more loads, shoveled off his front steps, a pathway to the sidewalk and the sidewalk itself. Since none of this had been done in quite awhile he couldn't get everything cleared out but did put a fairly decent dent in the accumulated snow. I believe he was going to shovel off the driveway in the back that leads to his garage. 

Kurt is still following all that is happening in Ottawa and what far right organizations are saying and doing. Most of their leaders were outside the perimeter when the police enforcement started. But some of their minions were arrested. Hopefully those cars and half-tons that have gathered in areas outside the city head home. 

It has been a quiet Sunday. Watched Mass online again, just not too sure about attending in person until Omicron goes away. Both of us miss the community of fellow worshipers, but with Harvey's heart condition just do not want to chance it. I also want a clean bill of health in regards to my yearly cancer check up. I do get a bit of community with helping lead the twice a year Bible Study. The new one is starting this Thursday so I really hope to get home in time to watch Fifth Estate. Must check on the time it begins. 

Harvey worked on his jigsaw puzzle today and gazed out the window at the snow. He jokingly said he would have to get the snow blower working for me. Don't think so dear. I swept off the steps a few times and that is the extent of my work out in the snow. When I worked I was the one who usually shoveled the snow as I was the first one up and moving in the morning. 

I pinned and did the first seam on the binding for my quilt. I hope to start hand sewing it in place tomorrow. Could be I actually get it finished this month. I also cast on the next dish cloth and have got a bit of that completed. More will be done tonight.

So as you can see a rather boring day here on the old homestead.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.



  1. Snow! It's difficult to imagine, when we so rarely see it here. We have a sunny day today, creping out of the winds and rain of the last stormy days. Stay safe.

  2. Doesn’t sound like a boring day to me. Sounds perfectly peaceful!

  3. Like you, we have snow and more coming in today and tomorrow. My husband also told me he would have to show me how to run the snowblower just in case. I shovel when it is absolutely necessary but usually the son shows up with the plow n his truck to save me the trouble.

  4. Quiet Sundays are perfect as far as I'm concerned. Usually the day is spent reading with the tv on in the background, usually tuned into either HGTV or one of the Hallmark movies. Yesterday we lucked out and had a video chat with our son and his family. Perfect day, despite the snow!

  5. Sounds peaceful there. I bet you are so excited about sons house. I know I would be.

  6. It sounds nice...although better if if it snowed her in Dec. After having spring-like weather we're heading in for some winter days here for the next 7 days. No snow though.
