Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Thrifty Tuesday


Just a quick post today and then I will be off to visit as many of you as I can within my time constraints. I got carried away hand quilting today so my time is limited if I want to get a few other things done before I hit my bed.

So what thrifty things have I done this week.

Saved the elastics from the asparagus.

Saved the elastics from the flowers that Harvey bought me for Valentines day.

Made some single socks into dusters.

Did some mending and alterations for a friend.

Using up different colours of almost used up spools of thread to do the hand quilting. It actually doesn't look too bad.

I am also using up another ball of the reclaimed cotton yarn to knit more dish cloths.

Made a very big batch of stew today and the leftovers have been labeled and will be put in the freezer to pull out for a quick meal later on.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Hand quilting can really eat up the time, so relaxing. Glad to hear you're quite liking the effect of the different threads.

  2. I love doing a big batch cook, and feeling virtuous when I load the freezer!

  3. I love having meals prepared in the freezer for those days when I am busy.

  4. I've been so lazy lately, your list of accomplishments make me feel a bit ashamed. Not enough to get up and get busy, though...curling is on. :)

  5. While I'm out walking the dog, I pick up the thick elastic bands the postman drops in the street. I wash them when I get home. They are so big, strong and brilliant for so many things.

  6. Good for you. I always save my rubber bands. Love the broccoli ones.

  7. Good solid thrifty activities. Well done.
