Monday, April 4, 2022

Menu Monday


I think I just might be back to regular programming, or at least as regular as is possible for me until Bible study is over (this week will be the last).

So what are our meals for this week.


A hamburger casserole, served with a side of asparagus. I may even make pudding for dessert.


Leftover casserole from last night, this time served with broccoli.


Sausage casserole (lots of veggies in this one so no sides).


Soup and sandwiches. I am thinking of trying to flavour up the butternut squash soup in the fridge freezer. As far as sandwiches I thing grilled cheese would be lovely.


Fish and chips along with coleslaw and perhaps corn on the cob. 


Leftover sausage casserole. 


I am going to use up a bag of frozen leftover meat from our last beef roast. Serving it with mashed potatoes and the last two cobs of corn. 

I am going to try and get some baking done for Easter as well and I am hoping to surprise Kurt and Kris with my chocolate covered Easter Eggs as well...Now where did I put that recipe????

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Well Kurt & Kris are in for a lovely surprise. I love all things chocolate. I haven't even thought of Easter baking. I'm not sure if I should bake anything, because I'm trying to lose some weight. I don't need the temptation :)

  2. I think just getting the news from the doctor would set all things to right and get you back to normal. (Which by the way is really a setting on your dryer)

  3. Hi Jackie, sure do get good use of your leftovers...I'm inspired...I always save them and then we don't end up eating them...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  4. Chocolate covered Easter eggs? Ooooh - I hope the Easter Bunny brings ME some!!
