Thursday, November 16, 2023

Thrifty Thursday


Another week has passed by and thrifty living is continuing on the old homestead. 

The pumpkins are all processed and residing in the fridge freezer. Harvey even kept his promise and helped me get them done.

Drapes have been opened wide to let in the sunshine and keep the house heated.

Drapes closed when night fell keeping the heat in the house. This has enabled us to have the thermostat down very low.

I did some decluttering in the sewing/craft room, which enabled me to put some things away and off almost every surface in that room. 

I saved some plastic bags to use when the grandcat comes to visit over Christmas. 

Made the grocery list for shopping this week and it is much shorter, could mean that I will be able to be under budget for this month on this line. Man that would be great. 

Used up all the leftovers in the fridge for either new meals or for lunches. 

I will say that I started sewing my dress and I should have stopped a bit before I did. I now have to pull out the handy seam ripper. When I get tired I start to make mistakes.

Also got the yarn for the last prayer shawl so I put my sweater aside and cast that on. So far no mistakes on that, though I am changing the pattern slightly.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Another thrifty week Jackie. I get tired & make mistakes sewing too ... lots of "un sewing" happens then. xx

  2. Busy as always. I'm finding this house is easier to heat than the last one. I do hope that will be reflected in the bill.

  3. You've been busying. That's great that you got all the pumpkins processed. That will be so good in the coming months for so many dishes. I've even put it into my chili before to add nutrition. Hope you have a great day!

  4. Another good week. Being under budget always makes us smile too.

  5. I need a prod to de-clutter the room I want to use for sewing, I keep meaning to do it but can't get round to it.
