This is the First Sunday of Advent and we lit the candle of Hope in the wreath at Mass today.
While Advent is our waiting for the birth of Christ, it is also the time when we prepare for his coming. We open our hearts to hope.
Hope for world peace, hope for our friends and loved ones, hope for all who surround us and hope that we can truly open our hearts to the wonder of faith.
This is the beginning of Blogmas as well. I am really going to try and make a post every day up until the New Year. Interesting idea as many a day I actually have nothing to say or write about. Life gets a bit complicated at this time of year as well as very busy. Still if others can find time to post during the month, I should be able to slow down and do the same.
This month I plan to do one small project a day until I reach the end of the easy ones. I do have a couple of longer projects that I want to get close to being completed, therefore getting the easier projects out of the way will perhaps give me a bit more time to work on those longer ones.
Todays projects were decorating the living room, decorating the tree downstairs, and decorating the small front deck. We went out to brunch after Mass and that cut out some decorating time. I did get the Christmas decor out in the living room as well as the tree set up, the small front deck done (though I need to purchase another fake garland or two to finish up) and most of the tree done downstairs (one more hour tomorrow morning should see that completed).
Tomorrows small project will be getting those recipe cards done for our sons Christmas baskets. As well as working on the mitts to add to those baskets and decorating the upstairs tree.... Keep your fingers crossed for me as with the usual Monday household tasks this could mean me moving a bit more than I usually do.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.