Monday, February 24, 2014

Menu Monday

It is that time of the week once again. This week is going to be horrendously busy. I will be working days at the French Immersion school here in the city and then trying to fit in a few hours every evening or right after I finish school to get the other positions job hours in. Should be ready to crash and burn by the end of the week.

Because of this busyness I changed my menu plan to things that are easy and quick to make.


Cabbage Rolls from the freezer. What could be simpler!


Plan on warming up some chicken and serving it with potatoes and carrots... Or I could turn it into a chef salad with the boiling of a couple of eggs and some cheese.


Leftover fried ham along with some rice and a veggie.


Salmon cakes or loaf along with leftover rice and a salad.


French toast as I will be so tired out I won't want to cook for days.


If things work out we will be heading into the city and having a meal out!!


Chicken, just not too sure how I will make it. I am thinking of trying something new.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.

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