Saturday, October 24, 2020

Saturday Roundup


It has actually been a very productive week on the old homestead. I am slightly surprised at how much I am managing to accomplish. Still behind in a few things, but I have faith that I will be able to get things done tomorrow (one letter still needs to be written).

So what did I actually accomplish this week?

The lotion bars have been made. I was asked if they were going to be gifts and the answer is yes. Some of course will be kept by me. I have a few more DIY bath and body products to try and make before Christmas (sugar rub, and some bath bombs). I am hoping they move along as smoothly as the lotion bars did.

I finished the quilt top due to finishing those lotion bars so quickly.

There are errors, but I have learned from the construction and will not be making those same errors again. 

Worked on the temperature blanket, a row of knitting every day has been done this month.

My sweater is moving right along. I should manage to finish it during the second week of next month.

The cross stitch is slowly coming along. I like to do my stitching in the bright sunlight and the last couple of days have been cloudy. No stitching has been completed.

I managed lots of extra cleaning and big batch cooking. Today for example, four containers of hamburger soup are residing in the large chest freezer and one in the fridge.

It has been a good week.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Gosh, Jackie, you have put me to shame this week with so much accomplished! I really love the quilt top, it's so beautiful. My crafting has taken a back seat lately, I don't seem to have patience to begin my cross stitch or my card making. You have encouraged me to begin knitting a lace cowl today. The yarn and pattern came as a free gift on a magazine over a year ago and had been left abandoned in a plastic storage box since our move. I found it yesterday during a rummage in the cupboard looking for a gift bag for my son in laws birthday gift. I will begin today. Thank you so much for the inspiration in your post 😘
    Stay safe xx

  2. What a busy person you are! Lovely to have checked off a lot of your lists.

  3. Wonderful! Lots of things accomplished for sure! It does feel good even if it is bit by bit, pat yourself on the back! :)

  4. Another productive project completing week! The quilt looks very nice.

  5. I like your quilt, Jackie. Love the colors. Looks very much like Fall.

  6. Oh, I like the quilt! Can't the errors from here. :) Isn't that the truth though, that the one who made the item knows exactly where the mistakes are, the viewer can't.

    Take care, stay well.

  7. It has indeed been a good & productive week for you, Jackie! I am envious... in a good way. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  8. I may have missed it but have you shared your hamburger soup recipe? I have to eat more beef now and I think that sounds tasty. Love the quilt

  9. I am always amazed at all that you accomplish each week! It sure feels good when we have a successful week too. Take care!

  10. I also would love the hamburger soup recipe. Feeling very jealous with everything in transit and no real way to be creative for another week@
