Thursday, October 1, 2020

Thursday Tidbits


Second Bible Study class done and dusted. There is homework to do though so I will be working on that this week. Lots of reading of the Psalms.

The budget is done and I am happy to report that once again we were under total budget for the month. Over budget on a few lines, groceries and household maintenance being the worst. Still, groceries were not that far over when you consider that the budget line also includes OTC meds, paper products, and things like batteries. 

I know this next shop will be high as I need to pick up a turkey (almost want to get two), a ham, and a pork roast or two. Meat is always something that drives the cost higher. I won't be going to Walmart this week as I only go there once every two weeks. Or at least I try to go only every second week.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.



  1. House maintenance never goes away does it. DH is busy up a scaffold painting the front of the house. We too, have been stocking up for any emergency and the cupboards and freezer are full. Take care.

  2. Oh yes, meat usually always throws a budget off. Have you ever tried buying a quarter steer from a local farmer? Lots cheaper and usually the animals are treated better. ~Andrea xoxo

  3. I am still waiting on setting my budget, this month with all the new bills for the house. But so far it looks like we are under what we used to be.
