Friday, August 13, 2021

Frugal Friday

 Well there have been a few frugal things happening on the old homestead this week.

1. Free fruit picked from the neighbours yard. I washed and stored the plums and tomorrow I will be making apple sauce.

2. Changed the menu a bit so I could use more up from the fridge.

3. Combined errands to save on fuel and wear/tear on the vehicle.

4. Hung clothes on the lines downstairs since it rained a bit on Monday.

5. Dehydrated yet more herbs.

6. Harvested tomatoes, cukes and peppers from the garden. May be a change in menu for next week, I foresee stuffed peppers.

7. Watered with rain water from the barrel.

8. Had 5 no spend days this week.

9. Put $40.00 in the savings envelope.

10. Put $5.65 in the change jars.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I love all the things you do to save money, you remind me of me!

  2. You had a great week, Jackie. Way to go. I love that you are able to pick plums from your neighbor.
