Sunday, March 5, 2023

Sunday Ramblings


Today will just be a few pictures of a visitor that came to our front bird feeder last night. Someone we would prefer not be eating the bird seed.

Harvey has really been enjoying his trail camera. Between the birds and now our friendly neighbouring deer I am afraid he will be forever taking pictures.

Otherwise it has been a quiet day here on the old homestead. I cut out Harvey's robe and I think that tomorrow I just may start sewing.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Who knows who or what Harvey may capture on his camera in the dead of night next time!

  2. I guess they get hungry too - it must be hard when it is so very cold and everything is frozen. xx

  3. My daughter has seen as many as four deer in her yard recently. They've pretty much decimated a couple of cedars (that she doesn't like anyway), and have left behind some other evidence too. One morning she and Eli saw three of them as they were heading out for school.
    It's sad, because they are unable to find food outside of the communities. Though I suppose that keeps them out of the way of the coyotes.

  4. Sneaky little rascal. These come and eat down my garden!

  5. The deer around here come right up and eat the English Ivy right off my house! They have unfortunately decimated my Frasier firs and other pines.

  6. I guess they're hungry too. I always feel sorry for the animals when it's really cold and their food sources are covered in snow.
