Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday Ramblings And A Weekly Round Up


It has actually been a busy week here on the old homestead. I missed doing this yesterday, so thought I would end the week with a bit of a catch up on what has been happening here.

After about 2 weeks of no weeding, I managed to get most of that done earlier this week. Man, why is it that weeds grow so much faster than anything else? Still need to get a bit more done, but things are looking so much better.

I have also been working in the garden harvesting. So far not doing too badly at keeping up with things, but my back is really starting to bother me...This could be a big problem in a few weeks.

Lots of dehydrating of herbs happening.

This was only the beginning as I have been dehydrating almost every day since this picture was taken. 

I started the lavender infused oil, and today harvested more. This time I hope to make sachets for my drawers... Need to have nice smelling things. I should be able to harvest even more for more oil and either salve or lotion, perhaps even cooking. 

I have defrosted one freezer and organizEved all that was in there. As sales occur I will pick up different cuts of meat, but there is more than enough to last in my stock ups from previous shopping trips. Still being prepared for large upticks in costs is what all of us should do.

Working on the knitted blanket (I have decided that my goal of having two completed was out of line) and the two fire pit blankets. I still have a few other projects I had hoped to get done that will be carried over for another month (or perhaps two).

We booked our next holiday (I left it up to Harvey to make the suggestion and it took him three months) and only have the extra excursions to book. Man, those can be pretty expensive. 

Using up all that I can and trying to figure out other ways to save money even though we are lucky enough not too have to worry too much.

I have been checking out real estate in the two places we are interested in as well. Strangely enough it would probably be less expensive to stay where we are and purchase a condo here. Still would have to drive to the capital to visit my specialist and even with Kris living there and allowing us to stay with him, it takes a great deal out of us. 

I have also come to the realization that some members of Harvey's family will never consider us as important members of said family, unless they need something. Their loss, and not worth my caring about. Especially when it is just my family does not follow the same political bent that they do. Blood should be thicker, but I guess not to everyone.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. You've been productive as always. I do hope your back doesn't give you too much grief.
    As for family, as the old joke goes "what's the difference between in-laws and outlaws? Outlaws are wanted" has a ring of truth about it.

  2. Families are hurtful, hubbies youngest son just doesn't care, he is 100 miles away but always expects us to drive to them, hubby is 73, we don't go that often, they maybe come here once a year, but we are in the wrong. You have had a great week, with a holiday to look forward to.

  3. As you say, their loss. They are the poorer by far.

    Take care of that back, Jackie. xx

  4. That's sad Jackie, but families arent easy are they? You can choose your friends etc etc. I'd love a few tips on dehydrating herbs. Do you have to have a special machine?

  5. My husband's side of the family are mean, hateful and vindictive. They haven't spoken in decades. They live up in Seattle. On occasion they do communicate with his daughter, but only to get information on us. That puts her in a hard position, since she is a people pleaser. So we just can't tell her a lot of things that she might tell them.
    He doesn't have to worry about my family - they are all dead.

  6. Resident Chef chopped our herbs and puts them in the freezer. We don't have a dehydrater so his method works for us.
    Family dynamics are always a challenge. Luckily both sides of ours get along with us, but I think that's because we refuse to take sides in any petty squabbles they've had over the years.
