Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Glacier Bay


Our first sighting of a glacier that reached the water. We have been on the Columbia Icefields in Canada numerous times, but those do not reach water. 

This was the Margerie Glacier. 

As we got closer it got even more astounding. We even got to see it calf, but of course by the time I got my camera up to take a photo that was all over. 

We did get to see all the small icebergs the calving produced though.

Now there was another smaller ship closer to the glacier and I tried to get a picture so you can compare the size of the ice thickness.

The ice sheet was massive.

Next we passed by the second glacier of our visit the Lamplugh Glacier. We also passed this on our way out of Glacier Bay and the National Park.

The last glacier we passed was the John Hopkins Glacier. Of course we needed to get a picture of the two of us with the Glacier in behind. A kind young lady from Nova Scotia took our photo and we returned the gift.

It was actually the smallest of the three glaciers we saw.

As I said we passed the Lamplugh Glacier as we left the Bay and I managed to see something floating on the ice that calving glaciers left.

Enlarge the photo and you will see a seal!! The first wildlife other than birds and the spouting of the whales. We watched him or her slip into the water and then climb back out on the ice floe. 

As we left the bay we were surprised by these.

Orcas frolicking by the ship. I was lucky to catch these two. We learned from the Rangers that the seal population was declining and they think it is because there are many more Killer Whales in the bay. 

To our surprise as we rounded the end of the bay we saw these as well.

Mountain goats traversing the steep cliffs. I did not take this picture Yan did and I asked him if he would kindly email me a copy as I really was not quick enough with the camera.

That night we ended up have a windy, rocky ride. More about that the next time.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. We saw seals and sea otters near the glacier, but I wasn't lucky enough to see any orcas. I'm so thrilled for you...and a teeny bit envious too. :)
    What a wonderful trip you had!

  2. WOW! How cool. The ice is just amazing. Nice picture of you both - nice to see a face!!!!!
    It always astounds me how agile those goats are. Great fun.

  3. How neat to see the glacier, orcas the seal, and goats. I would have loved to see all of that. 💕

  4. Oh, wow, what a wonderful part of your cruise. Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing them. xx

  5. What a lovely trip, getting up close and personal to the glaciers and wildlife. I think this is the first photo I have seen of you, Jackie.

  6. I've never seen a glacier in person. The orcas must have been an amazing sight although I suspect I'd be nervous about their ability to capsize the boat if they wanted to.
