Friday, March 21, 2025

Moving Towards A More Simple Life

 I have come to a conclusion that while moving towards a simpler life can be complicated, it can also be relatively easy to obtain. 

Right now my move to Simplicity is decluttering those items I don't really need, using up what we have in the house, and the biggest of all getting organized and having a place for everything. I believe I complicate my home by not having things in places that they are easily accessed for usage. Kitchen things should be in the kitchen, not scattered through various rooms willy nilly. I have things located in the hall pantry, things in one of the bedrooms and items down in the basement. Oh, and some sitting on the floor in the dining room. Probably not really conducive to simple living. 

There is a slim chance that once the storage is in the dining room (just a couple of steps away from the kitchen), may items can be moved on to that making it easier to access. I also have a few items that I can declutter in the hall pantry, thus making more room for actual pantry items. In reality those actual pantry items are kind of scattered around four rooms right now. 

I come across as a very organized person, and in some areas I am. I make lists and complete them when it comes to cleaning, and even projects. I pick the garden during harvest time and process all the food regularly. Make gifts, use items up and plan our traveling down to a T. 

Yet there are things that I just shrug my shoulders at and leave until the last minute when company is expected. I save small scraps of yarn, thread, and fabric and then wonder where on earth I will use them, or when I will use them. My sewing/craft room is once again a mess and I really need to clean things up in there. 

I have a stack of books I need or rather want to read on my nightstand. I know I will get through them eventually, but always find an excuse to use my ereader, and download even more reading material. Each time I do so I promise it will be the last until I am done reading everything on that nightstand and get them put away. 

So this year in my reach to leading a more simple life, organizing all those things I have allowed to get away from me will be worked on. This is one reason I am making those patchwork totes. I will use them for the myriad of unfinished projects in the sewing room ready to grab and go. I am also going to go through the items that are not really pantry items and remove them from the house, freeing up some room. 

Hopefully by the end of the year things will be more organized and simpler living will be happening in the old homestead. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Simple is good. However, simple doesn't always mean easy. Either way, I love that you're finding ways that work best for you. That's the real magic.

  2. Simple living encompasses so many “areas”. I’m the same way. I’m organized and detail oriented in some areas and then others I am not. I was a lot more together 15 years ago which wants me to blame it in on aging. 🤫I do hate to admit, that I tire more, get distracted more - or just forget. We need to give ourselves grace as we age or we could set ourselves crazy trying to keep up with our younger self.
    I’m confident you will find that balance, Jackie. I have always admired your work ethic.
    God bless

  3. Sounds like a great plan, Jackie. I’ve been reading on my phone too from the Libby app. It was nice to not have to carry a book with me to the hospital, but I do love a real book too.

  4. I do like tidy, makes everything you do easier, I do need to sort my crafting bits, I have loads of cardmaking items I will never use again, but then Molly is almost 4 should I keep it for her.

  5. Slow and steady! Less steps and being organized sure does help the pantries. I have moved most everything from the basement to the upstairs (pantry wise) and it sure feels better and it is safer for me.

  6. I'm organized enough to know where everything is in our apartment but I know there are still things that need to get themselves gone. Some things are just so difficult to part with, particularly when they have memories attached to them. My guide is often 'will my kids want this when I'm gone' and if the answer is a resounding 'no', then it's much easier to get rid of it.

  7. Good luck with your home organisation project. I'm sure you will reap the benefits once it is done. I too have various different projects on the go at any one time. I do like it that way as it provides lots of variety and keeps my interest.

  8. One of the issues we have here at my daughter's is not enough storage space for all of the stuff that two adults and one child have. So I understand the having items in various rooms that don't belong. Finding the storage space, or deciding one doesn't need all of those items would be helpful here too. :)

  9. You are working so hard at your target, Jackie.

  10. I've never got into reading books in the tablet, just love holding a real book and turning the pages! Robin wanted to buy me one of those kindle things years ago but I said no, it had to be a real book!

  11. You are doing well, Jackie, to get organised despite the chaos our world seems to be in at the moment. You have the right idea in slow and steady with decluttering, tidying to make things easier to find, whilst still sewing, cooking and cleaning. Enjoy the quiet times and catch up with reading. You've earned it.
    Angie x
