Friday, October 7, 2022

Frugal Friday

 Kris and I have been texting back and forth, he has reported the accident to our provincial insurance company and is keeping his fingers crossed that the lady who hit him is going to do the same (she said she was going to right away). However, just in case there is a bit of a fault in his one taillight from the accident he will come home early tomorrow instead of after work tonight. Kurt should still be coming home after school gets out (probably on his way by now). 

So, what frugal past times have been happening around here. 

1.  Drapes open while the sun is shining, the past two days this has helped heat the house.

2.  Two cups of the processed pumpkin is being used in the pies for this weekend. Checked the price of a can of pumpkin and the cost was over $3.00. Really went up over the past year. Using my own saves close to $2.00, and it used to be one could purchase a pumpkin pie at our Co-op for about $2.50. Now the price is $5.00.

3.  Today was our first day of turning the heat on. It was just too cold in here to try for another day or two. Got well below freezing last night.

4.  Only managed one meatless meal this week (had fake crab instead of meat, bought on sale for $2.50 a package). Hoping to get two mostly meatless meals next week.

5.  Baked two loaves of bread.

6.  Removed one pair of pants from my wardrobe. Keeping something that does not fit properly, or I don't wear anymore is wasteful when someone else can use them.

7.  Combined errands so as to save on fuel and wear/tear on the vehicle.

8.  Walked most mornings for free exercise.

Not too bad, but it seems as if many of these I do week after week. I think I need to step it up a bit on the frugal front.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Fingers crossed all the insurance stuff goes through without any hassles or headaches.
    There's nothing wrong with regular frugality - it's good that it is kept up and becomes a habit, don't you think? Good for you. xx

  2. Sometimes frugality is mostly repetition it seems and that's perfectly okay.
    I, too, have my fingers crossed, that the insurance comes through for your son.

  3. If the woman doesn't contact SGI, they will after Kris made his report.
    I bought a pumpkin pie at Co-op, not nearly as good as they were in the past. It was as it hadn't set up properly.
    My furnace has been on since Wednesday, though I open up the sun room after lunch and it sure helps heat up the main floor.
    Enjoy your family time!

  4. Sorry to hear about Kris's accident. I hope he gets the insurance sorted out okay.
