Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Midweek Once Again


I have spent some time getting ready for our kind of get away tomorrow. Still loads to do, but I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. I find getting ready to go anywhere a stressful thing. One must make lists, pack and hope nothing is forgotten. It seems as if I always forget something sooner or later. I am still adding to my lists for this weekend. My goodness, one needs to bring a great deal with them for something like this.

Thought I would share a few more frugal tips with all of you.

1.  Before a contractor begins work, require a detailed written contract.

2.  When your contractor requires a deposit please make sure it is reasonable.

3.  Establish a payment schedule according to work done and not on fixed dates.

4.  Shingles in poor condition will put off buyers. We now have a metal roof which has a lifetime guarantee. 

5.  Repainting those areas that need so pay off big time compared to the effort and cost if you want to resell.

6.  Never rely on short-term returns.

7.  Check unit prices in stores. Sometimes sale items are actually more expensive.

8.  Earn gift cards for your treats.

9.  Drink more water and less soda.

10. Use food scraps to re-grow your own food.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits and Stuff


Just a quick post to let you know all is well. I am slowly getting things done around the house in preparation for our leaving in oh my!!! just a couple of days. So much to do and not enough time in a day. 

At least Blogger is behaving now and I am able to download pictures without having to sign in every single time. 

Once again it has been raining off and on, which means no long walks and me getting slightly damp while grocery shopping today. Still this means I only have to run out tomorrow and pick up the necessary for the Friday get together. Have I ever mentioned I hate going shopping twice in one week???

Off to get supper on the table, but I might have a bit of time to visit a few of you first. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Menu Monday

 This month will be kind of strange when it comes to weekly menus. We have a reunion to go to, and will be at our youngest son's place for a couple of days. Our oldest will also be at home here for about a week (give or take). 


Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. It's raining so this is perfect.


Leftover roast pork. I think I will make pulled pork and serve it over some buns along with coleslaw, pickles and cheese. Any leftovers will be frozen for another meal.


Smoked hamburgers, fries, and the remains of the coleslaw.


This is the first night we will be at the venue for the reunion so I will take some smoked sausage to have along with pasta and a salad (will clear out the fridge crisper and pull a head of lettuce from the garden).


Meal is pot luck with hamburgers and hot dogs as the protein.


Catered meal.


Back at home and I have chicken breasts as our protein and will probably serve with a lettuce salad, mashed potatoes, and peas.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.