Friday, February 7, 2025

A Quiet Life


I actually think we are entering a quieter lifestyle. Both Harvey and I are pretty content staying home, working in the yard, doing our various hobbies and projects. We enjoy going to visit our sons, playing on the computer, and watching our favourite television shows. 

I enjoy trying to find new ways to save a penny here and a dollar there (though lately at times it seems to be more pennies than anything else). 

However, I know that this might just be winter talk and come spring or summer we will want to be out and about more. Even then things are still based around our home and family. Neither of us have many close friends, lots of acquaintances but perhaps only one or two that we consider close. Most of Harvey's friends were work related and now that he is retired most seem to have disappeared. 

Also when we move we will need to make new friends and as a person ages that is much harder. Especially if one moves to a totally new area. 

At one point in time, we thought a small home would be a perfect place to move to. Yet when we look at our youngest son, he really does not even talk to his neighbours and they for sure do not talk to him. 

This has caused me to rethink moving plans and I am looking more into condos. There we would see people a bit more and perhaps due to meetings actually meet like minded couples or even individuals. As far as a yard, I am pretty sure youngest would be more than happy to share his with us every so often. He would probably like the fact that we would weed, plant and harvest. Heck we could even add some more fruit trees to his yard. There is lots of room to expand the garden area, and since he is on what could be classified as two lots, there is room to plant trees as well. 

As long as the condo has a fairly decent balcony so we can plant a few pots, and room for the smoker (keeping fingers crossed that perhaps the BBQ would fit as well) I thing we could manage. Also many condo HOA fees include heating, water, garbage pick up and a parking spot or two. Some even include electric. That could in fact be a pretty big savings on bills.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless. 


  1. The RC and I are pretty well content just being home together. We have one couple we regularly breakfast with and I have a couple friends I have coffee with every week but beyond that we don't bother with people.
    Be sure, if you're considering a condo that they allow things like the smoker and BBQ. We're in an apartment and they aren't allowed here.

    1. I noticed on most pictures of the balcony area that there was a BBQ. Our smoker is electric and would not be a fire threat. I will check however because of the smoke it produces.

  2. We downsized over 10 years ago, and love our smaller plot, we still have a garden, everything is much easier to look after.

  3. I'm sorry to tell you, no smoker on your condo patio. Why do I know this? My sister-in-law had their smoker 10feet from the house eaves. An ember got to it, and their home was an 85% loss in a huge fire mess that traveled first across the attic space and then down the walls. That would be a disaster in a Condo building.

    1. Our smoker is electric there would be no sparks. We looked at those that used other forms of smoking and decided this would be the best for where we wanted to position it.

    2. Ah, didn't know such a thing exists! Yay you!!!

  4. We live very slow paced quiet lifestyle as well. Most of our acquaintances were from work and once retired they are no more. We do talk to the neighbors but not often. We thought about moving after retirement to a warmer climate but after paying off the mortgage, we decided why put ourselves in that situation again. Besides if we move from all this "lovely" cold and snow, what would I complain about? lol

  5. I would agree, you're more likely to meet your neighbours in a condo, rather than a single family home. A lot of that has to do with the demographics, smaller homes tend to be owned by young families or are rented out.
    I knew some of my neighbours when I lived in Wood Meadows, but it was more of a nodding acquaintance than a friendship.
    I'm not certain a smoker, even an electric one would be permitted, as the smoke would be worrisome to other residents. But before you decide on a condo, be sure to read the bylaws and talk to your realtor. I'm sure Kris wouldn't mind sharing garden space with you.
    Newer condos have lower fees than older units. Do check what this amount would be, as I've seen it as high as $800 a month in some places. There are places that have community rooms and have activities. As well, there would be your church family, wherever you decide to attend. Don't forget about knitting groups - there is one at the library at the Southland Mall on Saturdays, one during the week in the north end, and the Wednesday group at the Leisure Center in the east end.
    And perhaps you and I will get a chance to meet IRL when I'm in the city. :)

  6. We’re the same way. Very content. We do get out and mingle due to commitments but coming back home is always the best!

    Sounds good if your son would want to share his lot for trees and veggie garden. A win win!
    When I think of living in condos or townhouses, it bothers me because of the many restrictions. Plus we have a big dog. And I still have nightmares of noisy rude neighbors. We’re good here. Small house, small lot. No stairs. Family neighborhood. Close to whatever we would need.

    I’m sure whatever you decide will be right for you. With your research and all, you will find exactly what you and your husband need. Exciting really. It’s taking that first step toward that is what’s unnerving

  7. We are all different in what we look at as'a good life' but one thing in common is that we do what we love. Where we live needs to be comfortable and allow us to be together. At least this are two goals of mine.

  8. It's good that you're getting time to think about what you want to do for your next house move. Quiet times are useful for making plans. Life is fairly quite here too at the moment, but I'm glad of it, to be honest. We all need a bit of down time. There's enough chaos going on in the world at the moment.

  9. I have a small home and a nice yard - and really only in the past 2 years have gotten to know many neighbors. I have been here 39 years! Now we are a pretty tight group.
    A quiet and slow life is sublime for me. I love it.

  10. It sounds like a good way to think. Things change, situations change, and sometimes one is wise to realise and move with the changes. I love a quiet, homey, cosy life too, with the occasional adventure to jolly me along. xx
