Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Time Is Flying By


It just seems like yesterday I was doing a midweek post and here we are once again. Where on earth is the time going?

First, I will let you all know that I am not on blood thinners, and I am one of the people in Canada that does not have a GP right now and can't find one. That is another reason for moving as I just might be able to find one in the bigger city. I am hoping that the GP I did have passes the board inquiry with flying colours. I will say that 99% of the women that had him for a doctor (including me) have had no problems with him. Many of us figure someone has it out for him and is using the smallest of excuses to get him in front of the medical board. Right now he is allowed to refill my scripts and that is about it. 

The weather is freezing, but the sun is shining. I must remember to close the drapes a bit earlier tonight to see if that helps with stopping me from freezing as the sun goes down. I start adding layers and then taking them off once the furnace starts up once again. 

Got a bunch of grocery and store flyers today and much to my amazement most are posting where things are obtained from. Canadians are rallying behind our Prime Minister and purchasing Canadian Made, or Produced in Canada products. I belong to a Facebook page that lists Canadian products, and Canadian companies. That page in the matter of a couple of weeks is over 2 million strong and growing each day. Of course we won't be able to get everything here but many (add me in here) are purchasing from Mexico, Central or South America. 

I worked on cutting up some scrap fabric into suitable sized squares and only the tiniest of scraps are being tossed. I had thought of saving those for stuffing, but I no longer make toys. Worked on my embroidery and on my weaving. Tonight I will be working on my knitting. I so hope that I can manage to finish a few more of my goals this month. I really would like to be sewing next month (and of course knitting until the blanket is finished). My plans and goals for next month are already percolating through my brain. 

I hope to share some pictures with you all tomorrow of what is happening on the projects front. Perhaps even some finished or almost finished projects. Might be wishful thinking, but I am keeping my fingers crossed for at least two (one of which isn't on the list, but an addition to the list). 

No decluttering done yet this month. Kind of figured it would be more of a use it up month or a try and use up lots of the stashes month. So far that seems to be what is happening, and I have a feeling next month could be more of the same. I won't complain as every bit that is used and made into something that can be used by myself or others is a step forward in downsizing. Only thing is I have been looking at foot powered spinning wheels.... Do I need another hobby???? Probably not, but a friend is going to be raising sheep so......

It is also a step towards being just a tad more self-sufficient in a world that has gone slightly (okay perhaps more than slightly) bonkers. A world where bullies threaten, and all of us are left holding the bag. 

Off to visit with all of you and then get supper started. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Re the small scraps, I know some people save them until they have enough to make a dog bed to donate to their local shelter.

  2. I have been wondering, is buying Canadian a new thing to Canadians? Being in the US, I have always looked for and searched out made in America items for years. Just seems normal to buy from within country first.

  3. Hope you find a good doctor soon. That sounds frustrating. Have you ever used garlic to help thin the blood? Or help with circulation? Looking forward to seeing your pictures. I'm soon to veg out and crochet. Been working on table moving and they are finally moved!

  4. Good for you. Realize that only 37% of Americans voted for the Jerk, the rest either voted the other way or didn't vote at all. Many hard line republicans just voted for party against their better judgement. So, the majority of Americans are just holding our breath for the next 4 years.

  5. US is crashing. And the rest of the world will feel the impact.
