Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thursday Tid Bits

Not very much happening around the old homestead. It is still hot and because of that I really don`t venture outside very much. I go for my morning walk, then do some harvesting in the garden and spend the rest of the time working inside. Pretty boring, right?

But at times boring and laid back can be good. I have worked on my projects, read a bit and even baked a cake. I still need to ice said cake, but will be doing that shortly.

I have butter out softening to make cookies tomorrow. Kris will be home and I really need to make sure I fill him up and have some items to send home with him in a care package. He needs to be able to cut down on his bills and any little thing I can do to help him makes me feel good.

The garden has even slowed down a little bit. I only got a handful of cherry tomatoes, 2 large tomatoes, and a cuke during my harvest efforts. The few eggplant that have formed are ready to be picked and I am thinking that I have everything necessary to make my eggplant parmigiana in the next couple of days. I probably won't get as much as I would like, but at least there will be a few packages frozen and a meal for Harvey and I the day I make it.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

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