Thursday, November 30, 2017

December Goals

I decided that perhaps blogging my goals is a way of keeping me on track. Last month the goals kind of went bye bye. Meaning that while a few things were accomplished, others took longer to complete throwing my hoped for results out of whack. 

This month, though I do have many goals to accomplish most will not take a great deal of time. So here they are:

1.  Finish November goals.

2.  Baking/candy making for Christmas.

3.  Wrap gifts, mail those gifts that need to be mailed ASAP.

4.  Call Mom's remaining two sisters to wish them a wonderful holiday season and to touch base making sure they are still healthy (one of the sisters is 90). 

5.  Continue working through yarn stash.

6.  Have 20 no spend days (being the holiday season this is going to be tough).

7.  Make 2018 calendars.

8.  Make 2018 master cleaning list and to do list

9.  Get daily to do list pages made for the binder.

So there they are, my goals for the month. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Hi Jackie I like the idea of setting goals. I may join in with you. I love the idea of making calendars and in former Times would make them for my MIL. They were wall calendars, but as I was reading your post, I wondered how easy it would be to make a desk standup type calendar. Think I may give it a go.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Would love to see your binder and the pages you have in it. I use a Filofax and have just set up my pages for 2018. Best of luck with your goals this month.
