Friday, February 9, 2018

Silly Me

I have been missing in action for a couple of days. The reason being.......drum roll please.

That is a sling on my left arm, and hidden in said sling is a cast. On Wednesday I walked up the slight hill to get the mail. I am going to paraphrase here, Jackie came down, and broke her wrist, at least there was no Jill to come tumbling after as that would have probably made it worse.

It now looks like the projects planned for this month are now on hold, menus will need to be altered (at least as far as sides) and no walking for me.

Harvey has me ensconced on my recliner bringing me cups of coffee, ho chocolate and tea. The pain is becoming manageable, but I wonder if that will continue after this temporary cast is removed next Wednesday.

I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Typing with one hand not only takes a great deal of time, but I also find myself correcting many errors.

Everyone have a wonderful day.

God bless.


  1. Take care and rest! Hope you recover quickly.

  2. I hope that you're arm heals as quickly as possible. It's not easy doing stuff with the 'wrong' hand. Jx

  3. Poor you. I broke my wrist quite a few years ago. I remember that getting my bra on was quite a challenge!

  4. Just remember not to wait till the pain begins to take the pain meds. Take them round the clock for now, even at a low dose.

  5. So sorry to hear you've broken your wrist. A good excuse to take it easy for a while and put your feet up. I hope it mends quickly and as painlessly as possible.

  6. So sorry about your injury. Will it be hard to be a patient "patient"?

  7. oh dear me, please take it easy and do what the "boss" tells you to do!!
