Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Thrifty Tuesday


What a beautiful day we had. I managed to get 3 walks in, even after sleeping in. I tried to finish the book I was reading last night and stayed up much later than usual. Did I finish the book??? Nope, finished the last 100 pages this morning after household chores.

I cut out some fabric circles to go between my pots today. I was a bit worried they were going to get scratched. Now that worry is off my shoulders. Since I used fabric I already had that was really thrifty. I still have some left so will need to figure out what else I can use white felt for.

Managed to get a third load of washing on the lines downstairs yesterday. Since I was washing two small quilts that was great. 

Darned a pair of Harvey's good wool socks and fixed the elastic in a pair of his pj bottoms.

Nothing thrown out this week. I managed to keep the fridge cleaned out. We were well fed.

Downloaded some more free books for hours of relatively inexpensive entertainment.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Wow how nice to get in three walks. I did not walk today but will do an exersice video after this blog.

  2. You were so productive, Jackie. I admire you so much!! ~Andrea xoxo

  3. Three walks would be lovely, and we do have a better day today here, so maybe I'll get out for a short walk.
    Your letter came, thank you!

  4. 3 walks, you are putting me to shame. I am using the strong wind as an excuse not to go.

  5. Three walks is terrific, Jackie. Way to go. I put circles in between my pans too as I do not want them scratched either.
