Friday, October 20, 2023

Frugal Friday


Once again the week has whizzed by, that seems to be the normal around here lately. It is almost like I am a teenager again and always felt that summer seemed to be here and gone in a matter of days. The rest of the year dragged by at times though.

So what are the new frugal happenings around the homestead this week.

1.  No shopping this week, though Harvey did have to get new blood pressure pills to take in concert with his other prescription. They do seem to be working and that is awesome. 

2.  Making a large effort to not have to cook more than 5 times a week. I have been making larger amounts and warming them up for another meal later in the week. 

3.  When I use the oven I make sure it is full.

4.  Doing our own yard work (though I don't know how much longer we will be able to). 

5.  Hanging as much as possible on the lines in the basement. Sometimes as much as the entire day's laundry.

6.  Making sure lights are off in rooms not in use (something we had once again become lax on doing).

7.  Only using the dishwasher every second day, and only doing a small amount of handwashing dishes each evening. I use as little water as I possibly can when handwashing and rinsing.

8.  Added some free downloaded reading material onto my ereader.

9.  Bookmarked a couple of magazine sites on the computer.

10. Decluttering as usual, thus freeing up living space.

So those are what I could think of this week that are either new or I haven't done for awhile. 

Hope all of you have had a frugal week as well.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.



  1. All good ideas. I usually cook every other day and make sure I have leftovers for the second day. Sometimes I will skip a day so as not to get bored with eating the same thing or I will add a new vegetable to the leftovers just to keep things interesting.

  2. Sounds like a week of busy hands! It keeps us occupied!

  3. The Resident Chef pretty much always cooks enough so we can have leftovers (and often more than once). He makes big pots of soup this time of year and puts much of it in the freezer for quick meals later on. He made a really good cabbage soup the other day which will taste pretty good as 'planned-overs'

  4. It all sounds good, Jackie. I'm glad the meds are helping and lots of little frugalities really do add up over time, don't then? xx

  5. Some very good ideas to be thrifty, but hand washing dishes?? Not for us, when we moved here we didn't have a dishwasher and couldn't wait to have one fitted when we had a new kitchen. But we do turn off lights and only take short showers, so we're trying.

  6. Sounds like a good week for you, Jackie. I love it when I don't have to go shopping. I used to enjoy grocery shopping, but with the price these days, I no longer enjoy it. Decluttering here too, mostly clothe, but getting rid of items we no longer use does free up space like you said. I hope you have a great weekend.

  7. Always get an idea or two reading your posts, Jackie. My dishwasher broke several years ago and I haven't replaced it. I don't know if it is cheaper to hand wash...uses less water for sure. I cleaned out the fridge this week and lots went into the compost...too much. So I need to work on using up leftovers better.

  8. Have a yard and garden is a lot of work. There is a certain satisfaction getting it done but I can see a time when I'll be quite happy to have someone else do it for me.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. I always think I should be more frugal......some day I will make note of my attempts! (maybe!) :) Good job!
