Friday, October 27, 2023

Frugal Friday


Frugal Friday's seem to come around quicker and quicker. Finding things that I have done this week in a frugal manner has been a bit of a chore. Hopefully I can find 5 frugal things that are not in my thrifty post.

1.  Hung three loads on the lines downstairs. 

2.  Used up the leftover bag of frozen roast pork. We managed two meals each from the stir fry, and there is enough left for Harvey to have for lunch tomorrow.

3.  There is enough of the chicken and noodles for me to have for lunch tomorrow. 

4.  Used up some of the items in the crisper making a salad, and used up a bottle of salad dressing to marinate it in.

5.  Paid all remaining end of the month bills online.

6.  Getting much better at making sure the lights are off in rooms not in use.

Pretty sure there are more, but that is all I can think of right now.

Next week will not be the most frugal of weeks as I will be undergoing surgery at the Endodontist 2 hours away. Thank heavens we no longer have to get a hotel room, Kris is more than happy to have us stay with him. I usually take something with us to make for supper and will do so again. Saves us loads of cash that way.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Sending good thoughts and prayers for your surgery, Jackie. That is so nice of Kris to let you stay with him and I’m sure he enjoys you making dinner. Nice use of your leftovers.

  2. Here's hoping your trip to the city and endodontist goes well. Enjoy your visit with Kris!

  3. Well done with the frugality and all the best with the dental stuff. xx

  4. Sending you healing prayers for your surgery.

  5. Resident Chef prides himself on using every last bit of food we have and we very rarely throw anything out. Sadly, this week he made what should have been a wonderful dessert but it was so sweet we couldn't even begin to eat it. Felt so bad throwing it out but it was beyond saving. Not frugal at all!

  6. Oh Jackie ... sending prayers & good wishes for your surgery. Hope it all goes well for you x0x
