Saturday, October 28, 2023

Saturday, Getting Ready to Leave

 While I have managed to complete a few goals/projects, most of the last half of the week has been spent digging out and getting ready to go to my Endodontist appointment. I had to wash a couple of things yesterday and now they are packed along with all that I can pack up until tomorrow morning. 

I finished the ornaments, which was the last item I needed to cross off my list. Funny thing is I am almost finished the knitted blanket as well. Now that surprises me.

Been doing some usually Monday cleaning so as not to have as much to do when we get home. A little more will be done before we leave tomorrow morning. Just a few little things so as if I am in any pain after having the roof of my mouth on one side sliced open I won't have to even think about doing lots of little tasks just the larger things like cleaning the bathroom and doing laundry. A bit worried about what I will be able to eat, but I will worry about that later.

I plan on gathering the supplies I need for the unfinished projects for next month and sit them by my chair tonight. I do have the embroidery there ready to start. Still have to order the yarn for the prayer shawl, but I plan on doing so when we get back home. I have never ordered yarn online before so this will be a new experience for me. If you have done so were you satisfied with what was sent? Any recommendations on type of yarn or place to order from?

We always take the makings of one main dish with us when we stay with Kris, and tomorrow will be no exception. I usually try to take something that leaves him a few leftover meals. This time I will probably take a beef roast (Sunday is always a roast meal in this house) and that will leave him sandwich meat and leftovers to warm up for another meal or two. It is also less expensive than going out for supper and we can visit longer. Kris will supply any veggies or salad fixings, he always does.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. The ornaments turned out great!
    Good luck with the appointment. It sounds painful, hopefully you won't feel anything until after the fact and healing is quick for you.

  2. Good luck with your op, hope you heal quickly.

  3. Hope your procedure is a success and that healing will be fast. Wise of you to think ahead to have projects close to hand.
    As for your question re online yarn purchases - I used to order from Yarn Canada but they are in the process of closing their shop. My most recent purchase was online from Michael's and I must admit I was very impressed with their speed of delivery. Although I've ordered from Mary Maxim before I find their speed of delivery is dismal.

  4. ps - just realized you asked for suggestions re type of yarn...I recently purchased Paton's Canadiana which has always been a favourite but they must have changed their manufacturing process because it wasn't as nice - much thinner than usual. I also got some 'Feels Like Butta' from Lion Brand - haven't made anything with it yet, but it was a recommendation from a friend who does a lot of crocheting.

  5. Good luck with the appointment and enjoy your visit with Kris.

  6. I just had a grand read of your latest posts, Jackie. I just said to Tony I will be drying more clothes on lines in the basement this winter. You are inspiring me in so many ways. One hundred dollars doesn't go anywhere for groceries these days when that used to be what Costco was called, the hundred dollar store, as that was a shocking amount to spend. I don't know where that will end. Meanwhile, I wish you all the best with your mouth surgery...hope it is not at all painful. I've read the mouth heals amazingly fast. Take care.

  7. We have family coming in for Thanksgiving and I am
    planning on making Chili for the Friday afterwards as they requested it, it's easy enough to make and will last for several meals. Sending good thoughts your way for quick healing and safe travels. You are smart to prepare ahead.

  8. The ornaments are so cute! Oh goodness golly, that does not sound like fun to me. It sounds painful. Prayers that all goes well and minimal pain and quick healing for you.
