Monday, October 30, 2023


We are home and I am curled up on my chair. I will probably be heading to bed early. Exhausted and in pain. Give me a root canal any time over this.

Eating is going to be a problem as my face is pretty swollen. Having broth was painful and scrambled eggs was almost beyond my capabilities. I promise to visit you all tomorrow as I am sure I will have a handle on how to handle this all.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Take care Jackie - thinking of you. It is no fun - you should try sipping a slice of raw ginger in some boiled water as this helps alot with inflammation & is a natural antibiotic. Its also quite pleasant to the taste. xx

  2. Praying for quick healing for you. In the meantime, let yourself be babied. 💓

  3. Hope you can manage the pain and you improve quickly.

  4. Poor you. Praying for quick recovery.

  5. Prayers for a quick recovery, Jackie.

  6. I do hope the pain has lessened somewhat by now. Take care of yourself and take time to heal.

  7. Sorry to hear you're feeling out of sorts after the visit to the dentist. I hope your mouth is feeling better soon and you can manage to eat more easily. Take it easy.

  8. OH dear, I thought about you yesterday. Do hope now the healing will begin and be fast.

  9. I feel for you - dental work is not fun.

  10. So sorry to read that you are so sore and miserable. Take care and allow yourself to be looked after, rest, relax and recuperate.

  11. ((( hugs ))). I do hope things are improving by now. xx
