Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thrifty and Frugal Thursday

Thrifty and Frugal

 It has been a busy two days here on the Phillips homestead. My counter top is slowly being taken over by cucumbers. I have enough dill pickles to last for the next year and the same could be said for the relish that my husband loves. I am on my last jar of sweet relish so I could make some more of that I suppose. Oh yeah, I have enough bread and butter pickles as well. Hard to believe how many cukes we have gotten from just 4 plants. 

I was asked about Saskatoon Pie Filling. Saskatoons are a berry that grows mostly on the prairies and is kind of our answer to blueberries. Those (blueberries) don't grow very well on the southern prairies, saskatoons on the other hand grow all over. 

This is what they look like.

They are sometimes called service berries.

So what frugal and thrifty things have we been up to this week here.

1.  Put $45.00 in the savings envelope. I need to put my change in the change jar yet.

2.  Cleared all the leftovers out of the fridge except for the soup which I will have for lunch tomorrow.

3.  Walked to get our allowances.

4.  Froze 8 bags of green beans, 6 bags of carrots, and dehydrated many herbs. I also made another container of Eggplant Parma for the freezer.

5.  The usual, lights off in rooms not in use, hanging all clothing on the outside lines, using what we have, and vacuum sealing jars with dry goods now that I have the attachment to do so. I have saved the containers the dry goods were in and will be giving them to either Kurt or Kris. If they don't want them I may use some of them for freezing and donate the rest. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Yes you have been busy. So much good eating for the winter months. Those berries are huge! Lovely.

  2. You never cease to amaze me! That's a lot of cucumbers from 4 plants!

  3. I mentioned the jars and vacuum sealing them to RC thinking it was something new...turns out our vac sealer came with the attachment and we just need to get the jars/lids. Who knew!!

  4. Nice list of frugal activities.

    Those berries look interesting! Unfortunately, berries don't really grow in the climate where we live. There's a short time during spring when strawberries are available, that's the only one I can think of.

  5. Maybe three plants next year? However, I'm part of the Saskatchewan Gardeners group on FB, (I don't post often) but it was interesting year for cucs, squash and pumpkins. Many people mentioned losing flowers and limited produce so you did very well!

  6. The Saskatoons are big, they look bigger than blueberries and are so pretty. You've been busy again as usual. We've been eating leftovers here this week too.
