Friday, November 1, 2013

The End of One Month and the Beginning of Another

It is hard to believe that October is now behind us and we have finished the first day of November. It is the first time in years that we have not had a pretty good covering of the white stuff so I am hoping (keeping fingers crossed) that this will continue for awhile longer.

We finished our last Meals on Wheels for the year. I think that Harvey actually enjoyed it. Mind you delivering 80 some meals for the week did take some time. I have done this side of the city numerous times and we have never delivered this many meals before. Guess this shows we have an aging population here in the city. I am no spring chicken and will continue with this volunteer work for as long as I am able....I am just worried that there will be no one to take over once those of us who do this can no longer do so.

Another thing has me a bit concerned. That is the constant increase in the prices of various food items and things like shampoo, soap, detergent, and toothpaste. This month I was way over budget on household items. Household items includes everything that is used in the house as well as groceries. I need to get this budget line down and I have a feeling that Harvey is not going to like it much. This may mean more meatless meals (this will drive my carnivore of a husband slightly crazy) and perhaps me dishing out the food on the plates before serving the meal.

Electrical and gas bills are going to be rising as well. I need to think of ways to cut back on the usage of these utilities as well. It will be tough, but with a bit of forethought we should be able to cut some spending on these categories. I am not going to freeze to death, but by making sure lights are off, the heat turned down or off in rooms not in use, and using cold water for washing where I can I should be able to cut down.

Not working full time is getting a bit easier to handle. Subbing I can say yes or no as I please bringing in a bit of extra cash which does come in handy sometimes (especially this time of year). This saves us on fuel for my vehicle. I actually managed to get through almost all of last month only filling the tank once. In fact I still have 1/4 of a tank left and that should see me through part of this first week. It also saves on me having to buy pantihose or other work type clothing. I can wear what is in my closet even if it isn't at the top of the style charts.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

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