Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday Ramblings....

Today was the First Sunday in Advent and the first candle was lit on the wreath. It was very different today as most times the area in front of and around the wreath is full of children.... Today not one child under the age of 10 was at Mass. The reason being it was Breakfast with Santa and sooo many of the parents take their children to eat and get a picture with Santa. Next week will be much better.

Our Parish kicked off Advent with a brunch in the basement after Mass and a bit of a retreat. Harvey and I would have stayed longer, but we got the sad news that a good friend of ours had passed away. The funeral was over and we did not even know C had left us. Harvey was very upset as he worked with C, golfed with C and fished with C. That is until C became ill, however we did not know he was that ill!!!

I think I should update everyone on my goals for this month.

1. Finish the rug for Kris. The rug is finished and ready to be wrapped for Christmas.

2. Start on the cotton kitchen rug for Kurt. This rug is finished as well, just waiting to be wrapped.

3. Continue with the recipe organization completing another 2 binders. I actually managed to get three binders done before the end of the month.

4. Try for at least 19 no spend days this month. I managed 21 no spend days this month. Even with that many no spend days we managed to go over budget due to vehicle maintenance and computer items.

5. Continue with the cross stitch project and finish it so I can start the unfinished dragon from many years ago. I have put this away for a bit and will start up again come January. Just too much to do right now to be able to concentrate on this project.

6. Try for as little waste as possible this month. We are down to about one bag of garbage making its way to the bin every week. A big improvement over the 3 or 4 bags a week we were adding to the landfill at the beginning of the year.

So all in all not a bad wrap of of goals for the month. I will share my new goals on Tuesday, gives me a bit more time to think about them.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless. 


  1. Sounds like you're doing way over even your own expectations. Well done Jackie, you've had a really productive month.

  2. Jackie, I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, and that you didn't get a chance to say goodbye. ...
