Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thursday Tid Bits

It has been a quiet day, well at least quiet for me. This morning we received a call from the hospital asking if they could speak to Harvey. Needless to say I was a bit concerned.

It turned out that Harv's brother was in the hospital and needed an ultrasound. Our machine was fully booked today and so Vern needed to be driven to Regina for the procedure. Regina happens to be 2 and almost one half hours away. So off Harvey went.

This meant I was by myself for most of the day. Harvey did make it home in time for supper and filled me in on what this was all about. Vernon was to phone us once all tests were finished here and let us know what the problem is.

Harvey did mention that it was nice to get all caught up on the family gossip. It seems that two nephews and one niece are either separated or in the process of separating from their spouses. While there have been a couple of strange posts on Facebook, whenever this thought crossed our minds we shrugged it off as being our imaginations going overboard. Guess we should stick to our gut feelings from now on. In each case there are children involved, the niece has 4 children, one nephew 2 and the other 1. I do hope they can all part on relatively friendly terms, for the sake of the children.

Me, well I spent the day doing household tasks, working on the Christmas gift for Kurt (almost done), reading, knitting, and finding fabric to make a few new clothing items. I also walked or stood whenever my back started hurting. I even did a bit of decluttering!!! In other words a pretty lazy day where I could do things at my own speed. Love days like today.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. I love the house to myself occasionally - a time when I can do as I please and eat when I please. Bliss.
