Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Full House

Just like the old T.V. series our house will be full come tomorrow night.

Both of our sons will be home together for a day or two. Then Kurt will be leaving to go to a friends place for a bit, Kris will leave the next day for his apartment in Regina and the house will be empty once again.

I love having both of them home at the same time. The interplay between them is something to see. Kurt still treats Kris like his little brother, and Kris still tries to get Kurt riled up (even succeeds sometimes).

So because of the family time I will be sneaking a bit of computer time, and you might not see a post from me (then again you never know) for a day or two.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.


  1. My granddaughters are visiting and it's a full house. And so was my bed last night! The fort was cleared from the living room this morning. It still amazes me at the amount of food they go through at only 9 & 11 yrs. I can only imagine what it takes to fill up your adult sons, Enjoy.
