Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Back to Reglarly Scheduled Posts

Now that we are home once again and pretty much back to normal, my thrifty gene is coming out once again.

I am being a bit more thrifty with my time this month. Daily household chores are being completed in the early mornings leaving me time to work on my unfinished projects.

While I can safely say things are being worked on, nothing is really being completed. Still getting things to a position where they can be said to be almost done is making me happy. There are still a few days in the month and I hope to be able to say things are done when the end of the month rolls around.

I am also really watching what money goes out this month. Grocery lists are made and stuck to. Leftovers are correctly stored and used to make another meal or in some cases even two meals. This saves me cooking time and gives me more time to work on my more interesting projects.

I continue with Neilson Home Scan and have managed to get a free Pandora bracelet which should arrive sometime in the next couple of weeks. Free is always good!

Clothing is being repaired using buttons and such that I already have in stock. I have even made a list of clothing items to keep my eyes open for on sale at thrift stores or yard sales.

Nursing my washer along so that we will not have to buy a new one in the next month or so. The door may be getting harder to close, but it still closes and there are no leaks. Hopefully I can keep it going until the fall, by then I should have saved the cash necessary to buy a new one.

Also nursing my lovely bread maker along. I am hoping that my Black and Decker (cheap model) lasts until we manage a stock up trip to the big city. Harvey figures we should spend a bit more on the next one as I use it so often.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. I love mending clothes. It is such a lost art. Friends are always surprised when they see my sewing machine up on the kitchen table and I say "Oh, I was just mending my son's jeans." Patching a hole, darning a woollen sock, replacing a button...such simple ways for me to get great satisfaction.
