Friday, October 25, 2024

Simple Living


Why is it the more I try to head towards simple living, the more complicated it gets? 

I have been trying to move away from disposable paper items and while that is a wonderful idea, I am beginning to think things get complicated first.

I made that first batch of tinkle cloths, and while there was enough to last just over a week, me being me thought perhaps more would be much better. After all having enough for almost two weeks would be wonderful... Right?

Then there was the wish to have cloth napkins. I had cut apart an old tablecloth that wasn't being used and got 15 made, but was that enough? So this month I went through my fabric and found smaller Christmas fabric pieces, and a cotton plaid fabric that wasn't big enough for anything really clothing wise and made another 14 napkins. 

Now I know this will actually simplify my life eventually and also be cost effective, but right now it seems that living simply is a touch more difficult than I thought. Is cutting down on paper products actually a way to simplify or is it more of a cost cutting endeavor? 

Is decluttering really simplifying, or is it just ridding the house and myself of things that I no longer find useful? Is cooking every day a way of living simply, or is it something that I need to work on by doing a couple of days batch cooking a month. 

We always look back at our parents/grandparents and think how wonderfully simple their lives were. But were they really? I can remember my mother scraping wax off the floors when all of us kids were in bed, because there was too big a build up on the floors and she had to wax them the next day to get the shine back. I also remember her polishing the hardwood floors and the sound of the floor polisher late at night. 

I can pretty much count on one hand the number of times we had food delivery, Mom cooked every night that I can remember. There were times I got home from school late and had to make my own meal because Mom and Dad had taken my brother to his hocky game. Thank heavens for eggs and hot dogs. Ate a great many meals using those items along with cheese.

I can remember her sprinkling clothes and getting them ready to iron the next day. She ironed almost everything, even my bras. 

The more I think of life growing up the more I realize what seemed to be simple living really wasn't in the term I think of. It might have been simple for me, but not for my parents. At least unlike my grandparents Mom did not have to cook on a wood stove, we did not have to heat water and fill a tub for baths and dishwashing. Meals were hearty but simple and budgets were followed to the letter. 

However simple living right now to me means using what I have to the best of my ability. Sewing by hand when I can, learning to weave to make my own fabric eventually, learning new skills to depend a little less on stores, and taking advantage of every day to be thankful for what I have and what I can do to slow down the pace of everyday life and enjoy the moment. Now that last is something I need to work on a bit harder.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Everybody have

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