Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thrifty and Frugal Thursday

 Thrifty and Frugal

Tomorrow I will continue with the get away pictures. I have lots of Fort Walsh, but will only post a couple more before moving on to our second full day.

Today this post will concentrate on the thrifty and frugal happenings here on the old Phillips Homestead.

Since I knew the weather was changing I went out and picked all the green or half ripe tomatoes, the rest of the jalapeno peppers, the rest of the Hungarian Black peppers, the remaining bell peppers and more thyme and oregano. I also picked what I could of the lavender and I hope to get more as I want to make some sachets for drawers and closet. Those sachets will use up some of the muslin fabric in my stash.

Found more scraps of fabric which I can cut up into 4" squares to use in more quilts. I also found some lovely soft fabric to make into more tinkle cloths for myself. Thus saving on toilet paper. 

Mended a seam on one of Harvey's shirts, and redid a hem on a pair of my pants.

I froze more tomatoes, and today I made tomato sauce for pasta. 

Heat is not on yet, but things are pretty chilly here in the mornings. I am hoping that we can make it to mid October. 

Made my own hotdog buns (a little on the large size, but this is a learning experience).

Laundry was line dried.

We moved the hydrangea I had in a pot to the perennial bed to see if it will grow again next spring. Soon I will move one lavender into the perennial bed to see if we can keep that growing as well.

Used up all the leftovers in the fridge in other meals or as lunches this week.

Most of the groceries were bought on sale. I will be making another visit to the grocery store to pick up at least one turkey and some soft drinks for when Kurt and Kris are home. Canadian Thanksgiving is in 11 days from today. We actually eat the day before so I only have 10 days.

Used up a frozen package of pumpkin making muffins, as well as a cup of saskatoon berries doing the same thing.

Bought a complete set of towels from bath sheet to wash cloth to add to Kris's Christmas basket. All were on sale and I spent less than $20.00. I plan to get Kurt a set as well. The store had lots on sale. 

Pretty sure there are a few other frugal and thrifty items I have forgotten to list.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Our mornings are pretty chilly too - but no heat. Don't plan on it for quite a while - my house stays pretty warm.
    You have had a good week back at it - staying busy.
