Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sunday Ramblings

Once again the weather has been terrible this weekend. Rain, ice pellets, and snow. Not my favorite winter weather at all.

Harvey finished my storage cabinet yesterday.

This picture was taken just before he tightened the hinges to close the gap between the doors. I will be moving some of my larger small appliances into this area as well as a couple of appliances I don't use very often. It will mean a bit of climbing onto a stool to reach things when I need them, but the extra space is welcome.

Mass today was once again about the teachings of the church and how the Easter Vigil is the most important part of the church year. We also learned a bit about what RCIA really is. I just love when Father Brian uses his homily as a means of passing on truths about the church. Sometimes what we believe is not really what the Church teaches and having the priest be willing to take the time to explain things is wonderful.

I work all next week and I know that a full week of work usually leaves me tired and out of sorts. I really don't like coming home and cooking a full meal so I have been making double batches of easy to prepare meals when I got the chance this week.

The Tuna Casserole leftovers will be pulled out and used for our supper tomorrow.

Yesterday I made this huge pot of chili. It gave us our supper yesterday and the leftovers were packaged up and will make us a meal this week and one later in the month, or early next month.

I also have some Pork Jambalya in the downstairs freezer for another meal. That is three nice, hearty evening meals for the two of us.

Cooking big batches is a time saver, and frugal when you use things you already have in your pantry, freezer and fridge.

I started my cooking/electrical usage experiment today and will be continuing it by using alternative methods of cooking for the next while. Hopefully in a few months when we get the actual reading of the electric meter I will be able to say this was a success.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

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