Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Mid Week and June Almost Finished


Oh my another week half gone, and June almost finished. We are getting closer and closer to the day we leave on a holiday. Every day I pack a bit more, just so it won't be overwhelming. Soon it will be time to pack up the perishables and then we head out. 

Tomorrow will be herb harvesting and the harvesting of some more lavender. The herbs will be dehydrated and the lavender will be air dried and ready to prep when we get back from our break. 

Harvey got his pole saw yesterday, but didn't notice it until this morning. Of course he had to try it out. He cut down some of the dead branches on the tree in front, and when we get back I am pretty sure Kurt will be helping him cut down some dead branches on the tree in back. He figures on cutting some of the other branches to open the trees up in the fall. More lovely firewood to be used in the firepit.  Another year or two of not having to purchase wood, got to love free.

The garden is beginning to produce more than just rhubarb and I know when we return I will have to start processing the harvest. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Its always ex biting planning for an upcoming holiday!

  2. Going away means that everything in your garden will be enormous when you come back!

  3. I haven't started packing for our camping trip, but I have a long list of items to bring. I'll pack most of it on Monday.
    Nice to have lots of trees to use for firewood.

  4. Resident Chef came in from the balcony yesterday with a massive handfull of basil that is now processed and in the freezer. Fresh tastes so much better than what you can get in the store.

  5. I will be interested to see what else you have been growing in your garden. Hope the plants cooperate and are ready for harvesting on your return.
