Thursday, June 29, 2023

Thrifty Thursday


We are now being bothered by smoke from the forest fires in Alberta and BC. Probably from the fires in the north of our province as well. The smoke moved in this afternoon. Not enough to prevent us from going outside, but you can smell the smoke and it did cause my eyes to burn slightly when it was at it's worst.

So what thrifty things have I been up to this week. 

I dehydrated lavender and picked some more, dehydrated oregano and basil (could do some more). 

I learned that you can dehydrate kiwi and as I have a box in the fridge, I will do that tomorrow. 

We have been using up the bits and bobs in the fridge and it is slowly but surely getting cleared out. 

The list is made for our shopping for the trip and most will be paid for with our equity cheque from our Co-op. Just a bit will need to be taken out of the account. I plan on shopping tomorrow for this.

Harvey bottled the beer and wine this week.

We cut down some of the dead branches in our trees (still more to do) which will give us some wood for the fire pit.

I have knitted 22 pairs of mittens, and hopefully will get one or two more done. I plan on sewing them up on the weekend. This used up lots of my saved bits and bobs of yarn.

Some books were bought for my ereader using a gift card from my home scanning points. 

Also walking a bit more since I am watering my friends plants.

Much of the usual happenings on the old homestead at this time of year.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. You sound almost ready for your trip. Hope all goes well and you have an enjoyable time.

  2. It all sounds lovely, Jackie, and you must get so much satisfaction from it. xx

  3. Sorry to hear about the wildfires in Canada, so tragic for the wildlife. Well done on all your frgal measures for your holiday.

  4. You have done exceptionally well with the mitten knitting, Jackie. I've been collecting wood from what the ice storm took down and making piles around the property and will use it in my fires for next winter. I thought of you as I was doing it. Tony can no longer safely use the pole saw so SIL will do that. Getting ready for a trip is both fun and a little stressful.

  5. You have a wonderful evening too.

  6. I've had burning eyes from the haze for several days this week. I'm happy to see rain this weekend and hope it will help with the fires. Kiwis don't last long enough in our household, as we eat it daily. When I find kiwi boxes ($2) at the produce market, I normally freeze it for smoothies. That's a large amount of mittens you've completed. The kids are going to be so blessed. Hope you & Harvey have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Hope the smoke clears up, and sounds like a great week. Well done on the mittens.

  8. Well done on the mittens! I'm sure Kurt's students will be thrilled to get them.
    I was out clipping back some brances last evening and morning too. Now I need to go pick them up and put them aside for the landscapers to take away with them.
    We're headed for a very hot weekend, temperature wise. I hope the smoke clears out for you soon. (We had a bit of haze yesterday but nothing today.)

  9. Air quality has been bad here too - from the fires in Quebec and northern Ontario. Sure do wish we could open the windows but for now it's best to keep them closed.
