Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Mid Week


Here it is mid week once again and the first day of summer. Cooler today which is just perfect as the plants don't need as much watering.

I was asked what we eat for lunches on Monday so thought I had better answer. Usually it is leftovers from previous meals if there is anything left, or sandwiches. Sometimes I have crackers and cheese as my lunch or a bowl of homemade soup pulled from the freezer.

Breakfasts are toast with homemade bread and jam, the occasional egg and bacon meal (usually Sunday when Harvey cooks them), yogurt, muffins or cereal.

I made the rest of the dandelion oil into the salve, so now have two small containers. I believe I will be picking more flowers next year so I can make even more.

Harvested more lavender, washed it and now the sprigs are drying. I am going to need much more before I can make my lavender infused oil. This time I will use grapeseed oil  I think as the carrier oil. 

Watching the honeysuckle bush closely so I can harvest and dehydrate those flowers as well. 

Weeding my gardens, keeping the homestead in tip top condition and knitting mitts takes up the rest of my time. Since it is staying lighter longer I am managing more outside.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I don't know if I'll ever get the sauve made, i have none of the ingredients on hand.

  2. My lavender is in full flower now and I am always reluctant to cut it when it is so very beautiful. Some years I do and some years I don't! xx

  3. The honeysuckle outside my kitchen window has been butchered by my neighbour over the weekend. I'm a bit upset about it.

  4. I think it is so neat that you infuse your own oils.

  5. That is so cool that you infuse your own oils - My friend Margie and her husband used to make cannabis infused rubbing alcohol. She gave me the recipe and I made it one time. It really worked on those aches and pains but I think I would have rather turned it into a ointment so I stopped making it.

  6. I have to make a note to come back here when dandelion season comes again next year because I really would like to try the salve. I will be staying away from the lavendar though because it seems I'm allergic.
