Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits and Stuff


Wow, did it ever warm up today. So nice to have a bit of heat for a change.

I have been working on my weaving for a couple of hours a day with rests every half hour or so. Then the nights see me knitting those mittens. Using up the odd balls of yarn and the partial balls that have been leftover from other projects. 

Today I got my smaller weaving stick and so things should move along a bit faster once I use up the yarn on the large stick first. Harvey has said he could probably make me some more sticks of different sizes eventually. Now that would be nice.

I also got a project book and am planning on doing a couple of them once these two scarves are finished. That may mean me ordering some cotton weaving yarn from Ashford. I need to take a look first in my totes to see if I have a cotton that is suitable for making tea towels. I do think what I have may be a bit too thick, but we shall see. 

I noticed some flowers starting to bud out and I am really happy about that as I spent some time out in the yard today. Looking forward to being able to start some of those salves I have been interested in, especially as this year the dandelions are not too plentiful. I did pick a few so will get at least one tin of dandelion salve made this year.

Harvey has finished making his wine for the next while and so plans on making one of the beer kits that Kris got him for Christmas. That will keep him busy for a bit and out of my hair. When he has nothing to do, Harvey gets a bit "buggy". 

As you all probably notice it has been a very quiet day and the rest of the week looks to be about the same. No shopping, only errand I need to do is go and get our allowances on Friday. If it is not raining I won't even pull the vehicle out, just take a lovely stroll to the bank. The rest of this week will be spent doing a bit of yard work and working on my various projects. This is actually how I wish that all weeks would be, but somehow seem to disappear in a flurry of I must get done items.

Simple living and enjoying the life that we have made for ourselves, the best of times.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I love you are having a quiet week. Kind of the same here. It sure is nice at times. Enjoy your weaving!

  2. Absolutely the best of days, the best of times. Glad you two are enjoying yourselves doing what you love. The weather?? Finally!!! ♥

  3. Your comment about Harvey made me giggle, because I feel the same about both myself & my husband when we don't have enough to do. ;-) (Hawaii Planner)

  4. I envy you the no shopping days because it seems the last couple of weeks have involved going out every day, sometimes for legit errands and the rest being for picking up books that are on my 'hold' list at the library. Really wish they could get their act together and get them all on one day.

  5. Glad to hear that the weather has warmed up for you. We've had some terrible weather here in the UK, but the last couple of days have been much better thankfully.
