Friday, May 6, 2016

Frugal Friday

Another week has come and gone since I did a Frugal Friday post.

Life has been hectic, but the days have been sunny and warmth has come to the prairies of Canada. Perhaps too much warmth if there is such a thing. Most of the prairie provinces and much of British Columbia are under a total fire ban. Conditions are perfect for grass or forest fires, everybody is being extremely careful.

On to my frugal endeavors this week.

1.  Hung up laundry on outside lines, all wash loads except for the towels. Harvey hates crunchy towels and I try to keep my handyman happy.

2.  6 no spend days since the last Frugal Friday post.

3.  Really watching what the cost of my bedding plants is this year. I am going to try very hard to reduce what I spent last year on herbs, bedding flowers, and veggie starters.

4.  Windows open on the cooler days and at night to keep the house cool.

5.  Packed my lunch, using leftovers and items that needed using up for my subbing gig.

6.  Made my grocery list based on sales and what I needed to stock up.

7.  Paid bills online so I wouldn't use the vehicle and thus save on gas and wear/tear.

8.  Drinking more water every day instead of coffee or soda.

9.  Using up the bits and pieces when I cook.

10. Baked a couple of loaves of bread this week.

Not a bad list at all.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

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