Friday, May 17, 2024

Missing In Action


Sorry for not posting or visiting the last couple of days. I became very surprised that my loom was traveling as quickly as it was from British Columbia and so I decided I needed to get some extra tasks done.

I have been working on filling baskets, and pots out side, and still have more to do. I am getting there though. There was some mending that my friend asked me to do, so that was accomplished as well. 

Messages needed to be sent to both our sons about the football game Harvey wanted Kris to pick up tickets for, and then I had to let Kurt know we had both given him the wrong date for said game.

I finished one purse, cut out the second (madly sewed that today and now it just the lining sewn in), and ironed all the quilt blocks. Sewing all the quilt blocks together is my next task, which will hopefully be done by Sunday.

I have cleaned an area of the sewing/craft room and will be working on that again tomorrow. 

Still have to find a box to put the clothes in for my brother and do some cleaning out of the chest freezer. Harvey has finally realized that the beans we planted last year should have been stringed before I cut and froze them. I also need to find the brisket that is in there somewhere. Kind of like to make that one of these upcoming weekends.

Add in cooking and the regular household tasks and time just slipped away. By the time I sat down to rest it was pretty darn late in the day. 

It was a good thing I did most of those chores quickly as guess what arrived today? Actually on the day the company said it would be delivered.

It arrived at about 10:30 this morning while I was out for a bit of a walk. Harvey was home and signed for it.

Of course I had to unpack (well open it) to check that everything arrived undamaged.

It was well packaged for shipment and all looks well. In glancing at the assembly book, I realized that I was definitely going to need Harvey's help in putting this project together. 

Think we will be working on getting that done early next week.

Off to get more of my projects done before this one takes up most of my time. And of course to visit all of you.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


This Canadian company also sells spinning wheels.... Perhaps my next skill somewhere down the line. LOL


  1. That is just going to be so cool. My girlfriend got a spinning wheel and is making her own yarn. She is fascinated with it.
    Busy gal - makes the day go faster! ENJOY

  2. You've been rather busy Jackie. I look forward to see your creations from your new loom. Wishing you & Harvey a wonderful weekend!

  3. That’s good your loom came in good shape. I bet you can’t wait to get in and start weaving. I wonder why it’s not called a weaver? Lol

  4. I have a feeling that this new hobby will just suck up the time like crazy!! Enjoy!

  5. Exciting and creative times for you.

  6. How exciting for it to have arrived. Good luck getting it set up.

  7. Excited to see what you are able to make!! (Hawaii Planner)

  8. I've come back to the city and left the planting in the containers to my daughter. The forecast was showing temps just above freezing for a few nights - at least until the 25th, so she'll be pulling them in and out of the shed for the next week.
    It sounds like you figured out the purse pattern. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos of the finished project.
    Enjoy building the loom...and learning how to use it too.

  9. How neat! I can't wait to see your new creations,

  10. That was a quick delivery. Now to get the loom set up and get practicing.
