Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits

 The yard work is finally done. Well as done as it can be right now. Still I keep thinking I am missing something, just can not for the life of me figure out what. 

I will have to add some soil to a few of the baskets, and pots as the soil seems to have settled, and not in a good way. That will be done tomorrow. Pics of what the deck and yard look like now so we can have a comparison with later in the summer tomorrow. The nights are still a bit too cool to put the lemon trees out, but things are looking up after tonight. Hopefully very soon those two will be out as well.

I am trying to think of a new frugal habit to try for next month. Foraging more is out until closer to the middle to end of the summer, I do have one idea but I need to pass it by Harvey first as it involves me using reusable cloths as paper towels. Not sure how he would feel about that and I do have some regular paper towels to get through first. Also, I will be learning how to weave, so I am not sure if I would have the time to make said reusable paper towels and would that in fact save us money or cost more with the water needed to wash them? I also have a package of paper napkins to use up (they last us a very long time) so not sure making reusable napkins would be the way to go right now. I will need to think on this a bit longer.

Our water was turned off this morning (was supposed to happen yesterday) and I managed to fill lots of containers. I will not empty them as we would have to boil our water before drinking or cooking with now. Also we paid for this water so we will use up all that we can.  

I will probably finish the knitted tank by the end of the week. I am really working on getting my various stashes down to manageable levels. Or at least where I will not feel guilty purchasing something to add to them. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. You need to take some photos of all your hard gardening work. I bet it looks lovely.

  2. I have lots of cloth napkins I use - I get them at thrift stores. I cut up old t-shirts and such for cleaning cloths. Very seldom use paper towels any more.

  3. Sounds like you are making lots of progress Jackie - well done. Look forward to seeing some pics of your garden.

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos of your gardens/containers. We're planting later today. I'm leaving for D's shortly.
    I have wondered about switching to cloth towels but I worry about the additional laundry. I do use cloths for general cleaning, but paper towels are used instead of napkins.

  5. I cut up a queen size flannel sheet, several tshirts and a really ugly beach towel and just slowly stopped buying paper towel 4 years ago. It add to the pile about twice a year. I also put a hanging towel next to the sink. No one notices the lack of paper towels.

  6. Wish my yard work was done, missed you.

  7. We're trying not to use as many paper towels and invested in some cloth ones. We still use paper towels for 'dirty' jobs though. Resident Chef used to use them over top of things he was heating in the microwave but we bought a cover from the dollar store and so he no longer uses towels for that.

  8. I love the fact that you are continually looking for new ways to be frugal and thinking about things from every possible action. Your frugality is very well considered.

  9. I do still buy paper towels, but I mainly use them for blowing my nose when in the kitchen. I also use them for blotting excess fat off meat or wiping up the odd spillage on the floor, so they tend to last quite a while
