Saturday, May 11, 2024

Saturday Roundup


I haven't really gotten much more done this week. I have however prepared a great many projects that should be completed over the next week. A very good thing. Preparation means things will be completed a bit faster.

One of the things I have been busy with over this past week is shopping for plants. I am still not finished, and I am afraid I may have (or will) go a bit overboard. It is a very good thing that Harvey indulges my addiction to plants. 

I also should have been out picking dandelions. This year I wanted to make jelly, but Harvey treated those in our yard and I haven't seen a good crop on the verges as of yet. I also need to make more salve.

I met one of my sister-in-laws while shopping for plants and we probably talked for about 30 minutes. This one is a bit annoying, but at least she still talks to me, might not visit, but at least talks. I actually got caught up on some of the news in the family which being the outcasts we needed to know before the reunion. Still being the last to find out things hurts at times. Mind you I am getting a bit more used to that fact. 

So it has been pretty quiet this past week really, and that is a wonderful thing. The quiet times seem to be farther apart lately.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. So sorry for the rift in the family - that is always so sad.
    Quiet weeks are good.

  2. Sorry to read about the family stuff. Will you go to the get together? Buying plants is fun. Cheers and Happy Weekend.

  3. You definitely have lots on the go.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  4. It does hurt when people don't tell you things, especially things you need to know!

  5. Quiet weeks are a good thing because it seems there's far too few of those.

  6. Jackie, I can relate as I feel we have pretty much become outsiders with my DH's family. I feel bad for him, but with his mom and now his aunt gone, there's no one else to hold it all together and communicate. I guess that's just life.

  7. It's lovely when you get a quiet week as these days there always seems to be stuff going on. I'm looking forward to having a couple of weeks off work soon.
