Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Wednesday, Moving Towards a Simpler Life


I finally got around to reading the next chapter in my Simpler Life book "Living Rooms and Dining Rooms". 

I actually did not find much in this chapter to simplify my life. Lots of talk about dens being more for family life, and a living room more formal. But what about those of us that do not have a den, or family room. This is what our living rooms are for. 

But the chapter did contain a few interesting ideas to me. 

Use a universal remote. This is something we used to do, but now have 3 different remotes. Pretty sure we can and should get rid of one of them.

After you read a magazine, throw it in recycling, cut out anything you want to keep, or give the magazine to a friend.

Keep an out-table by the door for things going out the next day. This would have been wonderful when the boys were going to school.

Instead of elaborate curtains use decorative blinds or shades. 

Use darker fabrics and carpet in your living room as these hide stains so much better. 

Always keep your doors locked, even when home. Another tip was to purchase a large dog bowl and put it out on your front steps. 

Nothing really about clearing things out, more about simple cleaning ideas and fireplace safety.

The next chapter is called Washroom Wizardry...With These Storage, Decorating, and Cleaning Secrets, Things Will Bubble Along. Hmmm, sure hope they bubble right along into making my life simpler.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I’m thinking the locked doors and dog bowl outside is for security reasons?
    My best friend’s husband was 6’5 and had size 15 foot. He traveled a lot so she would place his big old boots out on the porch. I guess it worked. We’ll never know!
    I always keep my doors locked since there was a home invasion a few years ago down the street. We usually don’t have any problems here but it opened my eyes. It was an elderly couple.
    We don’t have a family room either. To me, it was just another big room to keep clean. In the warmer months our covered patio is a family room. No tv, just the sound of the waterfall and pond and the birds! Cheap entertainment.

  2. This book sounds interesting. Who is it by? Would you recommend it? Have a blessed day!

  3. It almost sounds like a throw back to the basement rec room days. I doubt anyone would be fooled by a dog bowl on the front steps, especially if they never saw or heard a dog.

  4. OH has just ordered us a Universal remote as our TV remote stopped working and the only way we can get into the TV is using his phone, which is no good for me. We were going to get a new TV, but decided to try a Universal remote first. I do use bedding and towels in darker fabrics, to help guard against and disguise stains. It does make life easier, but is not fool proof.

  5. I always recycle magazines down to the laundry room in our building - same for books and things like jigsaw puzzles. The magazines 'go through' several friends before they end up in the laundry room.
    I wish we could have shades on our windows but don't think the building management would like the holes we'd have to drill.
