Friday, July 26, 2013

Still Getting The Harvest In and Contact

Today has been another let's get the harvest in day in the Phillips household.

Harvey decided to pick the last of the cauliflower and since I still have a head that I am using for meals I needed to get this one into the freezer.

Two more meals for the freezer and for us to enjoy over the long, cold winter.

Then a friend dropped off some free blueberries. Just had to get those in the freezer for blueberry pie over the winter.

Yummy, I can taste the goodness of these pies already and to make matters even better my friend says that there could be more coming my way.

There should only be one more picking of peas and then those will be done as well. I hope to get enough for a meal of fresh and at least one meal in the freezer.

The days are cooler and my morning walk is a bit nippy. I hope that I can continue to walk in the mornings, but if the temperature keeps dropping I may be walking later in the day. What this means for food preparation is mornings will be busy with not only cleaning, but preparing food for the freezer and the dehydrator.

Kurt texted and he will be coming back to Canada tomorrow. He plans on staying a few days in Toronto and then flying back into Regina. He will stay with friends there and then head back to Drumheller.

Kris called tonight and he had his meeting after 3 months probation in his new position. He is now a full member of the company and will be eligible for all their benefits. This is a relief as he can now be covered for medical, dental, and retirement. Nice!!! Better yet he seems to be enjoying this job more than the previous one.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Hi, Jackie girl...
    O how I envy all your fresh veggies going into your freezer. You will have some great tasting meals thru the cold winter.
    Take care and keep up that good for you.
    xoxo bj

  2. That's some nice looking cauliflower! BTW .. have the beans recovered at all from the hailstorm, or is that a lost cause?

  3. The beans never really recovered. We picked what was left and I have enough for a couple of meals. I washed them and put them in the fridge. We will enjoy them while we can.

  4. Darn ... any chance you could plant more in containers?

  5. I've never grown Blueberries, ours are not doing well...but I'd love to buy some and freeze them.
    We went to a farmer's curb stand today and bought peaches, love, love peaches...
    Mama Bear
