Monday, March 25, 2024

Menu Monday


My back is still giving me a bit of grief. I just have to move a bit more often, which makes getting things done a bit difficult.

I actually changed the menu already (well moved things around a bit). 


Instead of the chicken legs and backs (we had those on Sunday), we will be having the Ham Pasties. Served with the last of the salad.


Pulling out a bag of frozen leftover chicken and making Chicken a la King. That will be served over toast along with peas.


The last bag of leftover ham will be made into a Scalloped potato and Ham casserole. Serving this will sliced raw cucumber and dip.


Finishing what is left of the casserole from yesterday, and served with green beans.


Eggplant Parma.


Potato Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches (unless Kris plans on heading home tomorrow then I will make the Sunday meal today).


Roast ham, mashed potatoes, tossed salad, mixed veggies and some kind of dessert (probably a pie of some sort). I have pickles that need using up as well so will get those cleared out of the fridge. If I have made this on Saturday, because Kris wants to leave today, Harvey and I will have Saturday's meal.

Off to get supper on the table. I will do my best to visit all of you at some point tonight.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless

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