Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sunday Ramblings


Not much rambling happening here today. The snow must have started in the middle of the night, and now though only lightly falling at this time looks to be continuing for a bit yet. Pretty sure we now have more snow than we had the rest of the winter.

So I was inside for the day, looking out and hoping people were not silly enough to be traveling in this (but of course there were). Harvey moved his truck off the street and a cute bush bunny went running away from underneath it. Now the truck is in the driveway and so is the bunny. He/she came back looking for the truck on the road and once he/she found it in the driveway, it scurried back under it. 

Being stuck in the house I worked on projects and have some things to show you next Saturday (pretty sure there will be a few more). I actually finished one of the projects for this month. 

Pretty sure tomorrow will be much the same as today. I really don't want to walk through at least knee high snow, so staying in could be my best bet. That means perhaps completing another goal for this month and getting a bit of extra cleaning done as well.

Life is good, even if we are more or less housebound for a few days.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Smart bunny!!!!! Sometimes I think we are being given a message to SLOW down and appreciate the simple things.
    You stay safe and warm and just work on those projects inside!

  2. We had a good dump too. C and I went out at noon and cleared the driveway and front walk - cleared about 6 inches then. He went out later around 3 p.m. and cleared it again. He figured about 2 inches. It's hard to believe our front lawn was almost clear just a week ago.
    I've been watching curling and relaxing on the couch. Yep, I'm being lazy. :)

  3. Here in the Sierra mountains of California, they’ve really been slammed with snow. 7 feet of snow and more to come! March has definitely came in like a Lion!

  4. Being housebound in winter is not all bad as long as you are as prepared as you seem to be! Relax and enjoy the quiet.
    (I'm trying my positive speech for you as I sit here in the sunny desert.)

  5. It creates more opportunities, I think, whatever those opportunities are. xx

  6. I do actually enjoy being stuck inside if I haven't got anywhere I want or need to go. You can get stuck into things and give time to things that you otherwise wouldn't. Enjoy being snowed in and stay safe and warm.

  7. Oh my knee high snow, I am going to quite complaining about the cold weather.

  8. We can't complain about our winter (at least so far) because we've had hardly any snow to speak of. It doesn't feel 'right' though, despite my dislike of winter.
