Sunday, March 10, 2024

Sunday Ramblings


Mass today, and boy by the time the service ended I could hardly concentrate as my back was killing me. We are nearing the end of our Lenten journey and this Sunday we are given a bit of a break from the usual Lenten practices. To celebrate we went out for breakfast after Mass. Now I am almost too full to even think about partaking of the evening meal, which will be ready in about 30 minutes. So much food!!!! The price was very reasonable however, breakfasts always are the least expensive meal out even after a tip. 

I managed to do a bit more cross stitch, but set that aside to get some recipes copied out that we want to keep. Got quite a few of those completed and I think I may work on those once again tomorrow and perhaps finish that goal off for the month. Tonight it will be knitting and perhaps adding the next skein into the mix.

The sun is shining, the snow melting and mud once again appearing. I have a feeling all the snow will be gone in a few days, just in time for the next snowfall to hit next week and the week after. It is March on the prairies and this is not unusual, just not enjoyed as we are all waiting for spring.

This coming week will be a use up the items in the fridge freezer and some pantry and fridge items. Way too much in both to leave for much longer. I really should have done a pantry, fridge and fridge freezer clear out much before this week. After watching YouTube videos of others doing so for a month, I should be able to manage at least a week and next year will do some planning ahead when I make up menus for the month.

Now, I am having lots of trouble with my toilet brush. Great gobs of the bristles are coming out leaving large gaps and so I have been searching for something my Mom used to clean her toilets in the hotels they owned.  She had a small string mop type brush. The only ones I have seen for sale are called basting mops.... I wonder if one could use those? When you have to replace your toilet brush almost every month it seems a bit over the top. I want something like the old days, something that would last at least a year or longer. The other type of brush I have been looking at is silicone. Has anyone used this type of toilet brush? If you have does it last?

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Good luck with the toilet brush. I know what you mean - they aren’t sturdy. I started using a regular hand scrubbing brush and for the hard stuff I get out my steamer. I don’t remember it ever being this difficult keeping my toilet clean.

  2. Sitting for long periods, especially on a hard chair, isn't good for bad backs is it?

  3. Try Googling 'Duck Fresh Brush' to see if it is available where you are. It is a different concept and much more hygienic than a brush.

  4. I've got silicone toilet brushes, very flexible to get round the rim. Bought them from Mr. A. and must have had them over a year

  5. We've had our toilet brush for several years but can't tell you where we got it or what make it is. We keep ours in a glass jar that's filled with a mixture of Mr. Clean and water...sort of kills two birds (germs?) with one swipe if that makes sense.
